Known as the Hindu festival of lights, Diwali is celebrated by Indians around the world.
The day symbolises the victory of light over darkness, good over evil and knowledge over ignorance. It also serves as a cleansing ritual, where people can let go of the previous year’s worries.
People decorate their homes and workplaces with candles and oil and have family feasts, where they share gifts and mithai (sweets).
Diwali at the Crows Nest Centre in 2020 was celebrated in the Pat Brunton Room, beautifully decorated with Diwali bunting and a handcrafted rangoli, created with love and care by our clients and staff.
Visitors donned their best saris and enjoyed Indian food, music, dancing (COVIDSafe), entertainment, candles and flowers.
We haven’t been able to stage Diwali in 2021, but we’re looking forward to featuring it as a highlight on the Crows Nest Centre event calendar in 2022.
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2020 Diwali gallery
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