If you have a passion for knitting, are a recent convert or are interested and don’t know where to start, why not check out the Crows Nest Centre’s ‘Knit and natter’ group.
The group gets together every Monday from 10am to 12 noon. We enjoy catching up over a complementary cup of tea or coffee, sharing news and stories, gossiping and yes, we get some knitting in as well.
Help us with a project, make squares or share your own handiwork.
Wool and needles are provided, or you are welcome to bring your own.
If you don’t know how to knit, we’ll get you started.
Relaxing and therapeutic
Forget about the stresses of daily life and join us each week for a fun, relaxing and therapeutic morning of knitting.
After a solid couple of hours of knitting and nattering, why not enjoy a tasty and nutritious lunch at the Crows Nest Centre community restaurant. Our menu includes delicious soups, main meals and desserts.
For more information about Knit and natter, call the Crows Nest Centre on 9439 5122 or enquire online. If you need an interpreter phone TIS 131 450.
Find out about other services and activities the Crows Nest Centre offers.
Knit and natter
10am – 12noon
Pat Brunton Room
Crows Nest Centre
Cost: Gold coin donation