If you are from Iran, Iraq or Afghanistan and living on the north shore, come and join our lively group for morning tea each month at the Crows Nest Centre.
Whether you are newly arrived or an established resident, Persian morning tea is an opportunity to socialise, share your experience of living in Australia and engage in a range of cultural activities.
We have regular guest speakers on a variety of topics, presented mostly in Farsi and sometimes in English.
Cultural activities include performances of traditional Iranian music, poetry readings and film screenings.
For more information about Persian morning tea, call the Crows Nest Centre on 9439 5122, enquire online or visit our Facebook page. If you need an interpreter phone TIS 131 450.
Find out about other services and activities at the Crows Nest Centre.
Persian morning tea
Monthly (3rd Saturday most months)
11.30am – 2pm
Crows Nest Centre
Cost: A plate of food to share